Saturday, September 1, 2007

hello from madrid

Hello kids it's me Lope, I only wanted to say hello and also say that i was glad of having you in this camp, i hope that next year all the people who can repeat will do it.
well here i leave my e-mail (not my messenger so do not try to add me to it because i do not use it) in case you want to contact me and tell me anything
i hope you will have 12 good days before returning to class
hope to see you

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Our favourite days!

Hi! We are the Cheese Burguer Kings.On Monday we went to the Garganta de los Infiernos. We swam and we walked. We ate one sandwich,orange juice and fruit. Then we arrived to residence Muñoz Torrero and we had dinner.
On Tuesday the residence Rosso de Luna arrived to our residence and we did very activities and saw a theatre. On Wednesday we went to the park and today we went to the pool.
Bye bye!!!

LaSt DaY aT tHe CaMp

Hi! It's the last day at the camp. We are very sad because we met a lot of people here and we are going to miss all of them. The best day at the camp was when we went to the ''garganta del infierno''. It was a great day. We will never forget all the moments that we had lived with all our new friends. And NEVER NEVER NEVER forget this food. It's disgusting. Some people were eating only bread and water like in a jail. We are going to miss all of you.


PrEtTy WoMeN

The Boxing Kangerous

Hello!!! We are the boxing kangeroos. We don´t forget the game, the songs, the excursion, the teachers and above all the friends. We like the excursion of Garganta del Infierno. We love the songs of "Bananas". We like the game what we play in the park. We like the theatre and the dances what we do in the Mario Rosso de Luna. We won the football match with Mario Rosso the Luna player. We went to center of Caceres and we bought a lot of think ( food, clothes...)

We hope that you liked it. Bye bye!!

the kings of the party

hello!!we are the kings of the party. we'll never forget the people or the teachers because we are good friends. we loved the excursion to the "Garganta de los infiernos" because it was very funny. the food is very very bad... but we like the breakfast. we wold like the camp to last for more time because it is very funny and we learned a lot of English. we won't forget you.
kisses of the kings of the party.

Feel Good Lies

The Worst Class Ever

Step Up

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Musketeers and the Fair Ladies

Today many campers had an opportunity to be stars...some not so willingly, luckily everyone from our camp was energetic and eager to participate, great job kids! The performance was filled with moments of excitement, love, fear (not so much) and of course comedy!

We went into the interior patio. There we met the actors, first they introduced themselfs and told about the story. The story was about three musketeers and D'artagnan and the Cardenal, the bad character. He wanted to steal queen's diamond and kill D'artagnan and the three musketeers. The Cardenal had an accessory, "My Lady". The three musketeers were: Pothos, Athos and Aremis. The actors were very funny and we enjoyed a lot the theatre. At the end, The Cardenal was the father of D'artagnan, like in Star Wars. We laughed a lot during the show. It was an unforgettable day.

Garganta de los Infiernos

Yesterday, we made excursion to Garganta de los Iniernos. We took 2 hours on the bus to arrive. Then we walked 30 minutes uphill. When we arrived we went into the water jumping from a big rock directly into the water and we swam. At half past two, we had lunch. We ate two sandwiches and an apple or a pear. Then, when we were walking to the bus we saw a lot of Horses. They were old and smelly and there were droppings everywhere we walked.
In the bus, Santi, Matt and Lope sang very good songs about when they were young. At nine o'clock we arrived to the residence and we ate but the food was very bad. Then we had shower because we were very dirty. Then we had free time and at twelve o´clock we went to the bed.

yesterday excursion

Yesterday we went to the garganta del infierno at ten o'clock in bus.
We had a good day.We walked a lot. Some visitors went up in horses.
We swam and played in the water.
Some children fell on the rocks and some people got hurt.
We ate sandwiches and drank juice. we took a lot of photos.
We went walking at half past five. We were very tired and we slept in the bus when we were retourned to the residence "Diego Muñoz Torrero". The teachers sang in the bus especially SANTY and MATTHEW.
When we arrived we dinner later, we had a shower then we sleep. at the morning we got up at half past eight. we got up very tired. at nine o'clock we had breakfast. We drank some milk and ate toast....

Monday, August 27, 2007

Nature's Water Park: Garganta del Infierno

Today we took a bus to a very special place. The trip was about an hour and when we arrived we had to walk almost 1.5 km but it was all worth it. As you can see it was a beautiful day...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Exploring Cáceres

Today we decided it would be best to learn a little bit about the city of Cáceres. Each family had to work together to find the answers to the riddles they were given all around Cáceres. Afterwards, as a reward we all treated ourselves to some ice cream!

We were all the afternoon in Cáceres. We were playing a ginkana about monuments, old houses... It was difficult, because questions were very complicated. We were asking people in a hotel, looking for information in a Tourism Office, and then we finished asking people in a bar! But we weren't the winners... Although we had a good time. And we ate delicious ice-creams!

Pretty Women

Juggling the Schedule

We're a bunch of clowns here at camp so yesterday, since it was raining all day, we decided to make juggling/stress/hacky-sack balls. Then we practiced our juggling and circus skills.

We did balls with parts of bags, balloon and rice.
First we filled a bag with rice. After, we cut the balloon by the middle and we put the rice´s bag
inside. We did about two or three balls, with ballons of differents colours. We enjoyed but then we had to clean the floor (this isn't very funny) :) but, and the end, we had fun.

Saturday Night Fever

Last night we had a party!!! Music, dancing, food & drink, games... it was an amazing time, but I think the pictures speak for themselves.

We had a lot of fun! We were dancing, singing, laughing... Then we played "Honey if you love me..." It was great! We went at bed at half past one!! But we didn't sleep. Monitors catch us and they make us do sport at half past five in the morning! It was terrible! But we didn't matter this, because we had a good time.
Next day they we were tired, but we did sports other time! And monitors take on our mobiles and room's keys. Now we want another party, but we won't make noise at night, because we don't want do sports!;)

Pretty Women.