Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Cheese Burguer Kings

Today we got up at half past eight and at nine o´clock we had breakfast.It was excellent!!!!we have eaten donuts, toast, biscuits, cereal and more different things.
Then we went to the class.It was very funny because we played different games.
After our class we meet with our family and the other families. We have worked on a superheroes´s story. The good guys of our film are Ketchup,Cheese,Bread,Meat,Lettuce and the bad guys are Pizza and Fried Tomatoes.
At two o´clock we eat and food was wonderful jajaja!!!!
Now we are writing this post and later we will go to the centre of Cáceres to buy many things!!! Soon we will be practicing our songs and dance etc. to make Roso Luna look like amateurs JA JA JA.

See you soon from The Cheese Burguer Kings.

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