Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Poisonous Apples

Hello we are The Poisonous Apples. We are Arantxa, Angela, Noelia, Clara, Jose Angel and Guille. We are a super duper group.

We are having great and fantastic time during our time here in Cáceres. The worst thing of the camp is the food,very, very, very bad. There is free time and this is good. We are going to go to Garganta the infiernos. We are also going to have two big parties and we go to the swimming pool every day and sing fantastic songs on our way. And since we are so good behaved we will watch the Real Madrid and Atletico de Madrid game.

Good bye everyone and see you soon.....................

P.S: we are going to destroy Rosa de Luna in soccer....they are a patata.....

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